
Standard Annual Report | Summary Annual Report |10K-Wrap | Digital Report | Copyediting | ESG

Not all annual report clients have the same requirements.
My services are customizable to suit your needs and budget.
And I can be brought in at any stage.

Click each service below to learn more.

  • The guiding foundation of your annual report. Developing a strategic key message for an annual report is an important and often overlooked first step.

    Includes research and discovery, C-suite interviews and a written communications brief.

  • A conceptual and creative blueprint for your annual report. Includes collaboration with your designers, multiple creative concepts with written rationales and cover strategies.

  • Copywriting for the narrative and operational sections of your annual report. Includes content interviews with management, a comprehensive outline, first draft and revisions.

  • What investors read first. Includes interviews with the Chairman & CEO, a comprehensive outline, first draft and revisions.

  • Polish and refine client-written content. Includes reducing wordiness, increasing flow & readability, adding engaging headlines & subheads, and correcting syntax, spelling and grammar.

    A must for foreign companies that produce an English version of their annual report.

  • Evaluation of your annual report. Includes deconstructing your annual report. What worked? What didn’t? How can it inform your next annual report to make it better?

    Results are delivered in a PowerPoint.